Star - 宇星 | O ever youthful, O ever weeping.

Oedipus the King and Tyrion Lannister

2016-11-01 Yuxing Liao Reading time ~3 minutes

Tyrion Lannister, who killed his father, the same as Oedipus the King, is quiet a tragedy character.

Oedipus has a cruel and guilty father, King Laius, who want to kill him when he was an infant. He tightly binds the feet of the infant together with a pin and orders Jocasta, wife and mother of Oedipus, to kill the infant. She orders a servant to commit the act for her. Fortunately, Oedipus survived but unfortunately meets and has an argument with his true father on the road to Thebes when his grows up. King Laius moves to strike Oedipus, who looks insolent, with his scepter, but Oedipus throws him down from the chariot and kills him. It is a tragedy definitely. But it looks like a coincident event, that he kills his father, more than a revenge. Tyrion kills his father in revenge.

Tyrion Lannister, the youngest son of Joanna Lannister and Tywin Lannister, the head of House Lannister, the richest man in the Seven Kingdoms, the Lord of Casterly Rock. He is a dwarf, causing his tragedy.

Once he speaks to his father, he says,

“I’m guilty of a far more monstrous crime: I’m guilt of being a dwarf!”

His father says,

“You are not on trial for being a dwarf.”

He says,

“Oh, yes I am! I’ve been on trial for that my entire life!”

However, Tywin Lannister, who says Tyrion is not on trial for being a dwarf is exactly the man who makes him on trial. Tyrion gets free after he kills his father in the privy chamber. He forces his father to admit to his many wrongdoings against him. Tywin tries to placate Tyrion, but when he refers to Shae as a “whore” once too often after having been warned not to do so, Tyrion kills him with two bolts to the chest without control.

Both tragedy person, both guilty father, they are exactly the same. One father wants to kill baby in the cradle, and one father boils his child all the days, no one is innocent. Tyrion has a week body but strong mind, a talent hand of the King, and Oedipus is brave and smart, responsible, a great King of the people. The difference is what makes them a tragedy person, though they both killed their father.

Oedipus has a happy beginning, surviving and being the king of Thebes, and gets a miserable ending with blind eyes, for saving his people in Thebes out of disease. On the contrary, Tyrion begins his life with pain and gets refresh after killed his father. Tyrion’s miserable life begins being a dwarf and loving a prostitute, Tysha. As a lesson, Tywin gave Tysha to his guards, paying her a silver coin for each man and forcing Tyrion to watch. By the end, there were so many silver coins that they were running out of her hands onto the ground. Tyrion has reciprocated Tywin’s hatred ever since. It never ends until the bolts in the chest.

There is no doubt they are talented persons, which makes it such a pity what happened on them.

PS: It’s just a middle-term paper of a course called English Literary Canon and A Game of Thrones. It’s interesting for him adding an ‘A’ infront of Game of Thrones, because it has an ‘A’ as the name of the noval but the TV series. Thus, we have no chance to watch TV in class.
